Saturday, September 12, 2009

Some pics from Pre-Service Training

Hi all,
Here is sampling of my first few months Niger in pictures. I hope you enjoy them. We swore-in two days ago and are waiting to be installed in our respective villages....
Some of my host kids holding my umbrella after a rain. In a matter of hours the water in that okra patch behind them was gone. Flash flooding, is FLASH flooding in Niger....

During Demyst weekend in Torodi (halfway between Niamey and Burkina) a streambed that I shot on our walk through town, not realizing that...The next day, and morning's rainfall later it would look like this.

A fitting sight that I caught on my way to class in Hamdy. A man remaking a wall, with his hands. Manual labor is so persuasive in this country that you can find people making mud bricks and laying them on the street in downtown Niamey...oh yeah, and that wheelbarrow is about the extent of the construction equipment at any worksite.
My concession in Larba...that is our 'mainstreet' in the foreground. Although dirt, it is the only thoroughfare and the only street in the main part of town that could 'safely' hold a car.
A rain/dust/windstorm making its way to Hamdy.
A very typical sight for a Hamdallaye morning...this counts as a bush taxi. And so, it seems, do all other vehicles not sporting an NGO logo or construction trucks.
Cousins of my host family in Hamdallaye. They LOVE matching outfits.
Our whole group after the fashion show.
Our group meeting together at the training site during the first hour of PST, just off the bus from the airport.
Jesse (al-hajji), Alice and Liz during our fashion show, in which we wore clothes from our host families.
My first morning in Larba Birno during Live-in week, this scene reminded me of something from the Lord of the Rings films.
Teaching the Macarena to Hamdallaye kids during a training session.
Picture perfect sunset my first evening in touching up, it was really that amazing. Of course the bugs that water produces are slightly less amazing.
- See you all in about a month's time, or until the next time I get internet access

1 comment:

  1. The weather looks as interesting as Michigan's! Too bad you didn't post a picture of yourself dressed-up at the fashion show. I'll bet the locals loved that!
