I've been back in Niamey for the weekend and have to head back out today as the legislative elections get underway tomorrow. Here's a few pics from this past month, enjoy.

Sunset over the Sirba as it begins to dry up and leave these cool cliffs behind.

No touching up here- that's really how humid it is right now...don't worry hot and dry season is right around the corner.

At the primary school with the director and some of his kids.

Bathers, laundry washers and fishers using the Sirba for all it's worth. That line of sticks in the river act as a sort of cage for catching fish.

On a rocky (clay) outcropping overlooking my bend in the Sirba.

Sunsetting and shepherd boys holding up their beating sticks off to the right in a sign of defiance
Team Tillaberi for the CYE/MCD Stage of 2009-2011. Yay! We made it to swear-in!